Family History Conference Recordings on 04 May (expires 02 August)

SKU: Conference $85.00
"Successfully Navigating Websites for Your Genealogy" featuring David Rencher,AG,CG,FUGA,FIGRS, Chief Genealogical Officer for FamilySearch. You can watch all eight of the recordings later for up to ninety days. You will be contacted after you register with instructions and the conference syllabus handout. Listed below are the session titles. “What's new at FamilySearch and the FamilySearch Library” David Rencher “Genealogy and Local History Research at Your New St.Louis County Library Clark Family Branch" Brent Trout "Using the FamilySearch Catalog and the FamilySearch Library Catalog" David Rencher "Researching Family and Local History in the State Historical Society of Missouri's Digital Collections" Heather Richmond "Worldwide Record Gathering of FamilySearch" David Rencher "Use the News: Research wiith the Missouri Digital Newspaper Project" Katelyn "Katie" Ziegler "Using Irish Internet Resources" David Rencher "Hidden Treasures on the St. Louis Genealogical Society Website" Jim Ross
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